Hi! I`m Hayley, Thank you for visiting. A little about me....

A born and bred Manc and proud.

Engaged to Lee, one day to be married (Lee, I promise) and between us both we have 4 children who keep us on our toes.

I have Polly who is 14, has a passion for dancing and loves doing her own washing (wish she wouldn`t 😜) She also makes a mean banana loaf.

Barney has just turned 8, a wannabe footballer! and my comedy gold. 

We also have a furbaby, Bear, all the way from Romania but now fluent in English, which helps as my Romanian is rubbish!

I adore family time, socialising with friends, Walker cheese and onion crisps and the `odd` glass of white wine. I completed my studies down in Kent in 2004 and graduated as a Dispensing Optician and have worked in the optics industry ever since.

So what is a Dispensing Optician?.....the person who helps with frame and lens choice based on your sight test results.

Now the exciting bit.....

My job is to get to know YOU as an individual, together we can choose the best eyewear styles and lens designs to suit. 

I want you to leave the Studio feeling ready to take on the world!!

I have developed my knowledge and passion for eyewear to deliver a service that promotes and encourages self love and self esteem through embracing your own style, personality and uniqueness!

Something a shy`d away from until NOW

BUT big guns blazing and little by little investment in myself I have remembered my LOVE for colour and creativity and have now come to the realisation that life is too damn short!

Another But...my commitment to you is that you leave with a pair of glasses that make you feel fantastic. As much as I love colour and quirky i also appreciate that this is NOT for everyone ❤️

So whether you like soft and subtle or BIG AND BOLD, come and see me and lets explore that comfort zone and then (perhaps) push it a little more...XX




New to Eyewear Styling?

If your only experience of wearing glasses is your typical eye test and then being left to your own devices to browse through the same old styles and not knowing which frame to choose, then thank goodness you've found MODS Eyewear Studio!

Choosing your perfect eyewear is not always easy or something that you can do alone. There are lots of tips and tricks to choosing your perfect frame, so whether you're here to shop online or to book a styling appointment hopefully our most FAQ'S will help you along your eyewear journey!


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Frame Colour

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Eyewear Styling

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